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Find My Law Tutor | Connecting Law Students with Law Tutors8 Esther Street Suite 18 Pasadena, CA 91103
Join our vast database of law school tutors in CaliforniaFind My Law Tutor is a database of online LSAT, Law School and Bar law tutors community. Upload your law tutoring profile now and get connected to law students.
EFF's Staff and Contributors | Electronic Frontier FoundationPlease be respectful of the time of our attorneys. Direct all legal inquiries, not to the individual attorney, but to All inquiries will be routed to For expedited responses to media inquiries
Testimonials - Thomas Jefferson School of LawI transferred to Thomas Jefferson School of Law ( TJSL ) in my 3L year, so I had the benefit of contrasting my TJSL experience with another law school. And I found TJSL to be exceptional for various reasons.
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Visit - Thomas Jefferson School of LawThomas Jefferson School of Law is located in a new, modern campus in the heart of the downtown legal community and within a short walk of San Diego’s courthouses, many of its major law firms, and the offices of various f
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Our Interns | Innocence Project of Florida | Unlock The TruthEach semester the Innocence Project of Florida welcomes students from around the world to participate in our Intern/Extern Program. Every week IPF Executive Director Seth Miller lectures on DNA testing, court procedures,
Team - Creative CommonsCreative Commons is a network of staff, board, emeritus, advisory council, audit committee, and affiliates around the world.
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